Digital Planners: why you NEED them in your life

If you’ve heard of The Pink Ink (which clearly, you have) then you’ve heard of Digital Planners. 

Digital planners are becoming increasingly popular with business owners, stationery lovers and of course, the #GirlBoss - but why are they so popular?! Well let me tell you, but be prepared - your organizational dreams are about to become reality!

You might be thinking ‘I’m 100% a paper girl’ which is totally okay, I used to be exactly the same! I had so many planners and notebooks for different things going on in my life - not to mention the random notes and to-do lists dotted around the place. It wasn’t until I lost some of my super important notes which were stuffed inside of my planner that I realized something had to change! There just had to be a better way!


I’m going to pause here to give you a warning: Digital Planning is addictive. Trust me. Once you give up your paper notebooks and post-it notes for a Digital Planner (or 5) there’s no going back. But as someone who has been seriously hooked for many years now and has never looked back, I feel pretty confident in saying that this is an addiction you want to be a part of.


 The perks of Digital Planning

There are so many perks of Digital Planning you guys, SO MANY! I mean, first of all, look at how beautiful they are. Okay, I did create them so I may be a little biased, but I know that you’ll feel exactly how I do now when you create your very own, personalized, and totally unique Digital Planner. You can find out more about that here.

Anyway, let’s back to me constantly losing those little pieces of paper with my random thoughts and ideas pasted all over them… (what a nightmare that was). Fast forward a few years and now I digitally plan on my iPad which is WAY easier to keep with me (and not lose). I’m literally never without my iPad so I always have my planner with me - bonus!

The best thing about this is that I never have to use that horrible sentence when I’ve forgotten to bring my planner with me that day. It goes something a little like ‘let me check my planner when I’m home and then I’ll get back to you’ *insert bright red cheeks here*. That’s unless you.

The Digital List Goes On

Okay, so I’m not going to bore you with every single reason why Digital Planning will change your life so I’m just going to brush over the next … fantastic reasons that my life and business benefit from Digital Planning.

  • I'm always on the go and now my planner is too - without the extra dreaded baggage. I’m not the girl that you’ll find carrying a HUGE handbag FULL of unnecessary items. Nope, not me. You’ll find me traveling with the bare minimum - my phone, tablet, and my keys (okay and maybe a lipstick). I absolutely do not have the effort to carry an extra planner and notebook or 2!

  • You know when you’ve got some spare time between meetings or while you’re sitting on the tube and you suddenly….

  • Never miss a chance to book in a client or check your schedule as your Planner is always accessible (this is probably one of my all-time favorite things about the Digital Planner!)

A little Goes A Long Way

Okay so we’ve established that using a Digital Planner instead of the paper ones that you’re used to is perfect for the forgetful brain, but that is absolutely not the only benefit of adopting this new style of planning. 

Answer honestly… how many pieces of paper do you use unnecessarily every year? And when I say unnecessarily, I mean when there is absolutely no other option but to use paper. 100’s? 1000’s? Even more?! Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there. 2019 has seen thousands of people transition to a paperless life for this exact reason!

You’ve undoubtedly noticed that there’s a HUGE campaign to be more eco-friendly and sustainable at any given opportunity. It’s easy to think that the world isn’t going to change for the better if you’re on board with the paperless journey or not, but you’re wrong! Digital planning is an amazing way to kick-start your sustainable life! 

Plus, you’ve heard of The Domino Effect haven’t you?! As soon as you pop your little digital planning beauty out in a meeting, the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ will come rolling in and your colleagues will be super jealous. Then before you know it, the whole office will be paper-free! Okay maybe that a little too adventurous, but you can see where I’m going here, can’t you?

Want to join the Digital Planning world, like, now?! 

I did tell you to read with caution! 

There are lots of ways to begin your Digital Planning journey but I recommend learning more by signing up for my free email course ‘Introduction to Digital Planning’ which you can find HERE!  This is THE course for complete newbies to the Digital Planning world as it teaches you exactly how to get started!

Not a complete newbie? Well, you can jump right into The Pink Ink SHOP where you’ll find heaps of stunning planning templates and learning resources to take your planning to the next level!

See you there!

xx, The Pink Ink


Creating a Digital Planner: Your behind-the-scenes access


How To Open Zipped File On The IPad?